Sunday, May 24, 2009


Took a little trip down memory lane yesterday with the help of my adorable granddaughter, Hallie. Her daddy had just finished planting some shrubs and flowers for me when she suddenly appeared in the livingroom bringing her mommy and I a flower she had just picked for us! She had plucked off one of the new flowers...just the head... that had just been planted! At first I was upset because her mommy and I thought she had been out in front all alone, but we later found out that she was with her daddy and grandpa and had gotten caught in the act! While I listened to her mommy explain to her that she should not pick flowers without asking permission it took me back a few years when her mommy and Aunt Erin had brought me a beautiful bouquet of roses...just the heads...from our neighbors beautiful rose garden!! It is so hard to teach a loving little heart that what they did was "wrong"...because how can doing something so sweet be naughty! Jennifer talked with Hallie with all the tenderness of a mother's heart...and still sweet Hallie just looked at us with those innocent little eyes wondering what we meant as we were saying thank you and don't do that again all in the same sentence!! :) I remember my two little girls just not understanding why picking dandelions was ok but Bill's roses were a no-no!!! There is nothing sweeter than a flower picked by a little child!!! Memories like this are etched on the heart forever! Thank you Hallie...and thank you Jenny and Erin for my bouquet (I still have it...right here in my heart!)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to

my 3 beautiful daughters! You are wonderful mother's! My grandchildren are happy, healthy, loved, and are being taught the Gospel. I love you! Mom

Friday, May 8, 2009

A beautiful pattern...

In Seminary today we were studying Rev2-3. In those chapters the John tells of the Lord's chastisement of the 7 churches in Asia. We discussed what they were doing wrong and why they were chastised by the Lord. But then I was able to show my class the pattern and example set by the Savior. After identifying himself and stating his authority, he then told them all the things that they were doing right. It was after expressing his pleasure in what they were doing right that he then talked to them about what they were doing incorrectly or wrong, or what they could do better or improve upon. And He didn't just leave it at that, he then told them what they needed to do and how to do it, and finally he told them of the blessings that awaited those who follow His counsel. This is such an awesome pattern for parents, spouses, leaders, employers, family members, friends to use as we work with others. How different things would be if we followed this pattern!!! First, "I'm your mother(friend, sweetheart, etc) and I love you. Then if we were to say..."I really like the way you do (whatever), you make me happy or proud when you(?), etc BEFORE we offer up anything else. Hearts wouldn't be wounded and people would not go on the defensive so quickly. After sincere and honest praise or affirmation is given then we can say things like..."I've noticed that (blah, blah, blah)"..."Have you ever thought of doing (?)" or "what can I do to help you with that problem" etc...AND THEN AGAIN, show forth that great love. I just love the scriptures...I love knowing that they hold all the answers. And I know how hard it is for young mothers ( and even us older moms) to deal with all of the daily "stuff " in a calm and rational manner since from minute to minute we seem to be on the firing line!! But it would be even harder if we had never been given the pattern!! He loves us and will never leave us alone...we just have to remember that He is there!!! The Gospel is true!!! My heart is full of thanks for that knowledge! Love to all of you...

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's all relative...

While I was mopping the floor and not particularly enjoying the event I remembered what a mess the house was during our remodeling. I couldn't stand all the dirt, sawdust, etc and couldn't wait for my new clean floor. Whine, whine, whine! And today, with my nice new floor I'm whining again because I have to clean it! Reminds me of a day long ago when we were first married and were starving two sisters-in-law were talking about how much they hated to unload the dishwasher...I had no sympathy for them because I didn't have a DW and was doing dishes by hand (couldn't afford paper plates). I couldn't wait to have a DW so I could complain right along with them about having to unload it!!! See what I's all relative. Time to be more grateful for all things, large or small, and stop the whining!!! So, I will finish cleaning with a smile on my face...except for the bathrooms...I just can't find the joy in that job!!! Need to pray harder on that one!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Love those Tea Parties!!! And they are planning more for the 4th of July!!! Check out to find info on what's coming up. Click on your state and find your city to see what events are planned. Nothing new will be up yet I'm sure...but keep a watch on the site. With love from a proud right wing extremist threat to our national security...your mother!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A wonderful reminder...

In studying 1Timothy 2:1-10 for my Seminary class I came across this quote from President Hinckley, "I know of no better way to inculcate love for country than for parents to pray before their children for the land in which they live, invoking the blessings of the Almighty upon it that it may be preserved in liberty and peace. I know of no better way to build within the hearts of our children a much-needed respect for authority than remembering in the daily supplications of the family the leaders of our respective countries who carry the burdens of government." I found this very timely. No matter how we believe politically we must follow the counsel of the prophet and pray for the leaders of our nation, President Obama and members of Congress and all other national, state, and local leaders, and for the Lord to bless this great land with continued liberty and peace. I can think of no other time in my lifetime that these prayers have been needed more than they are needed today.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

So many memories...

I'm having so much fun working on a huge memory book project for the Woolley family. We have probably over 500 pictures going back generations into the past! At Christmas I gave the partially completed book to Craig's mother who is 92 and she loved it. It was fun watching her turn each page and recalling special people and special moments. Since Christmas the family has found additional pictures so it will be awhile before the project is complete...but then it really never will be complete since there will be other little ones joining the family. What blessings!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I'm so busy reading everyone else's blogs that I never remember to post on mine!! Well, we had a rather "interesting" experience here yesterday. Craig almost electrocuted himself and that's no joke. Our furnace went out so while we were waiting for the repairman to come over I plugged in an electric heater...but it was on the same wall as some other appliances and blew the circuit. We couldn't get the power back and so he turned off the power and removed the circuits, took them to Lowe's to have them checked, came back, put them in, tested them with the power on of course, forgot it was on and started to do something else at the box and WHAMO!!! He touched something very live with his screwdriver no less...he wasn't hurt but it blew a chunk of metal off the side of the box. I had said a prayer that he would be safe working with the electricity and he was really blessed. He said from now on he is hiring an electrician!! He joked and told me that I could have collected on his insurance policy...but I told him that JB Fletcher or Colombo would probably accuse me of shorting out the power in the first place!! Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised to find that there is a clause in his insurance policy about dying during home repairs...I think they call it suicide. LOL

Monday, January 12, 2009

If your want to print your blogs...

YOU CAN GO TO then to blog2print ... OR TO

I haven't tried these yet but you may want to check them out because printing your blog actually can make for a nice journal. :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Well after 3 weeks vacation Seminary starts again on Monday. Boy, I'm going to have to convince my body that it needs to get up at 4:45 again!!! That's not going to be easy!! :)
I have been teaching for 7 years now and still love it. I've learned so much and my days are just not the same when we don't have Seminary. This year we are studying the New Testament and even though I have taught it before I have just learned so much this year. I have an awesome class...but then I have always been blessed to have the best!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

Happy New Year to all of you! We had such a lovely holiday. It was so much fun being with our wonderful kids and our adorable grandchildren. Lots of fun, love, and family traditions really "made the season bright"!!! Now we are about to begin a new year filled with excitement, challenges, growth, happiness, and joy...remember that Life is Good...and as President Monson has said, "...find joy in the journey!" My love to all of you...Mom/Terri