Friday, April 24, 2009

It's all relative...

While I was mopping the floor and not particularly enjoying the event I remembered what a mess the house was during our remodeling. I couldn't stand all the dirt, sawdust, etc and couldn't wait for my new clean floor. Whine, whine, whine! And today, with my nice new floor I'm whining again because I have to clean it! Reminds me of a day long ago when we were first married and were starving two sisters-in-law were talking about how much they hated to unload the dishwasher...I had no sympathy for them because I didn't have a DW and was doing dishes by hand (couldn't afford paper plates). I couldn't wait to have a DW so I could complain right along with them about having to unload it!!! See what I's all relative. Time to be more grateful for all things, large or small, and stop the whining!!! So, I will finish cleaning with a smile on my face...except for the bathrooms...I just can't find the joy in that job!!! Need to pray harder on that one!!!


  1. ha, ha...I'm with ya on the bathrooms. It's a joy to have them, but cleaning them totally different story. I know just what you mean though. I don't like getting behind on my house work, but I really don't mind doing it. There was a time when I couldn't and I'm SO grateful I can, no matter how many hours it takes me. It's amazing the many miracles and wonders we discover we had when we no longer. Hopefully, we're SO much more grateful when we do get it back. ;) Awesome reminder!!

  2. LOL =) You're funny mom! I too can relate to Laura's comment and agree about the bathrooms! Have fun being Mary Poppins! LOL =)

  3. You're so insightful. I'll be praying right along with you. It seems I'm never grateful enough.
