Sunday, April 5, 2009

A wonderful reminder...

In studying 1Timothy 2:1-10 for my Seminary class I came across this quote from President Hinckley, "I know of no better way to inculcate love for country than for parents to pray before their children for the land in which they live, invoking the blessings of the Almighty upon it that it may be preserved in liberty and peace. I know of no better way to build within the hearts of our children a much-needed respect for authority than remembering in the daily supplications of the family the leaders of our respective countries who carry the burdens of government." I found this very timely. No matter how we believe politically we must follow the counsel of the prophet and pray for the leaders of our nation, President Obama and members of Congress and all other national, state, and local leaders, and for the Lord to bless this great land with continued liberty and peace. I can think of no other time in my lifetime that these prayers have been needed more than they are needed today.


  1. It's interesting you posted this. I have had the same thoughts this entire weekend. Prayer always has been the key to everything! *Glad to see you posting again! =)

  2. It seems we tend to forget them, especially if we disagree. Thanks for sharing!

  3. If praying doesn't work I still like the whole Nephi theory, you know "it's better that one man perish than a whole nation dwindle in unbelief."

  4. I'm not sure if you remember me or not (Tera Herle), I was friends with your daughters. I just wanted to let you know how great I think you are and how lucky your daughters are to have you. I read the comments that you leave them on their blogs and only wish I received the same love, inspiration, encouragement and wisdom from my mother. You never miss a single one of their posts. You always have something wonderful to tell them. You seem truly interested in their lives and what they have to say. I can feel your love for them when you write to them. I just wanted to let you know that they are truly blessed to have you as their mother!

  5. I'm glad you are posting again. Tera is right, you are a wonderful mom to your daughters, I think everyone who knows you would agree. :)
