Sunday, May 24, 2009


Took a little trip down memory lane yesterday with the help of my adorable granddaughter, Hallie. Her daddy had just finished planting some shrubs and flowers for me when she suddenly appeared in the livingroom bringing her mommy and I a flower she had just picked for us! She had plucked off one of the new flowers...just the head... that had just been planted! At first I was upset because her mommy and I thought she had been out in front all alone, but we later found out that she was with her daddy and grandpa and had gotten caught in the act! While I listened to her mommy explain to her that she should not pick flowers without asking permission it took me back a few years when her mommy and Aunt Erin had brought me a beautiful bouquet of roses...just the heads...from our neighbors beautiful rose garden!! It is so hard to teach a loving little heart that what they did was "wrong"...because how can doing something so sweet be naughty! Jennifer talked with Hallie with all the tenderness of a mother's heart...and still sweet Hallie just looked at us with those innocent little eyes wondering what we meant as we were saying thank you and don't do that again all in the same sentence!! :) I remember my two little girls just not understanding why picking dandelions was ok but Bill's roses were a no-no!!! There is nothing sweeter than a flower picked by a little child!!! Memories like this are etched on the heart forever! Thank you Hallie...and thank you Jenny and Erin for my bouquet (I still have it...right here in my heart!)


  1. It really was hard trying to teach her and yet accept her sweet gift at the same time. I remember the roses, Bill & Karen were so nice about it - and so were you! =)

  2. What a sweetie! It's funny how we try make things simple with back and white, right and wrong, nice and naughty. And we find oh so many gray areas, there things get all mixed. We've not had that yet, but I'm sure McKayla will just as confused. =)

  3. Out side our old church building they have these bushes with yellow flowers on them and every Sunday when we leave church Parker would grab them as he walked by and with a fist full of flowers he would say here Mommy. I think it's sweet but if he does it every Sunday on day that bush will be empty.

  4. Thank you for your comments on my blog.

    Doesn't mothering have so many gray areas like this? I remember my mom telling me when I was small that I couldn't pick a flower from a park because "if everyone picked one there would be none left for us all to enjoy". Yet, I was so upset by it. Children are so sweet and innocent, they don't see the harm in it because their intentions are good!
